
Monday, November 16, 2009

Impression on Scala

I have been hearing quite a lot of good comments about the Scala programming language. I personally use Java extensively in the past and have switched to Ruby (and some Erlang) in last 2 years. The following features that I heard about Scala really attracts me ...
  • Scala code is compiled in Java byte code and run natively in JVMs. Code written in Scala immediately enjoy the performance and robustness of Java VM technologies.
  • Easy to integrate with Java code and libraries, immediately enjoy the wide portfolio of exiting Java libraries.
  • It has good support to the Actor model, which I believe is an important programming paradigm for multi-core machine architecture.
So I decide to take a Scala tutorial from Dean Wampler today in the Qcon conference. This is a summary of my impression on Scala after the class.

First of all, Scala is a strongly typed language. However it has a type inference mechanism so you don't have to type declaration is optional. But in some place (like a method signature), type declaration is mandatory. It is not very clear to me when I have to declare a type.

Having the "val" and "var" declaration in variables is very nice because it makes immutability explicit. In Ruby, you can make an object immutable by sending it a freeze() method but Scala do this more explicitly.

But I found it confusing to have a method define in 2 different ways

class A() {
def hello {
class A() {
def hello = {
The MyFunction[+A1, -A2] is really confusing to me. I feel the typeless language is much more easy.

Removing the open and close bracket is also causing a lot of confusion to me.
class Person(givenName: String) {
var myName = givenName
def name =(anotherName: String) = {
myName = anotherName

class Person(givenName: String) {
var myName = givenName
def name =(anotherName: String) = myName = anotherName
The special "implicit" conversion method provides a mechanism to develop DSL (Domain Specific Language) in Scala but it also looks very odd to me. Basically, you need to import a SINGLE implicit conversion method that needs to take care of all possible conversions.

All the method that ends with ":" has a reverse calling order is also an odd stuff to me.

Traits provides mixins for Scala but I feel the "Module" mechanism in Ruby has done a better job.

Scala has the notion of "function" and can pass "function" as parameters. Again, I feel Ruby blocks has done a better job.

Perhaps due to JVM's limitation of supporting a dynamic language, Scala is not very strong in doing meta-programming, Scala doesn't provide the "open class" property where you can modify an existing class (add methods, change method implementation, add class ... etc.) at run time

Scala also emulate a number of Erlang features but I don't feel it is doing a very clean job. For example, it emulate the pattern matching style of Erlang programming using the case Class and unapply() method but it seems a little bit odd to me.

Erlang has 2 cool features which I couldn't find in Scala (maybe I am expecting too much)
  • The ability to run two version of class at the same time
  • Able to create and pass function objects to a remote process (kinda like a remote code loading)
Overall impression

I have to admit that my impression on Scala is not as good as before I attend the tutorial. Scala tries to put different useful programming paradigm in the JVM but I have a feeling of force-fit. Of course its close tie to JVM is still a good reason to use Scala. But from a pure programming perspective, I will prefer to use a combination of Ruby and Erlang, rather than Scala.


  1. My two cents:
    1) The main difference is that the Erlang VM was design for concurrency from the ground up.

    2) Though with Scala you can use your existing Java code, BUT you have to make sure it is safe for reentrancy...

    Lastly, a Facebook developer gives his opinion of Erlang vs Scala:

  2. Hi,
    I agree whn you says
    Removing the open and close bracket is also causing a lot of confusion to me.

    but I know a lot of people who prefer to coding with the small numeber of brackets :(

  3. As a seasoned Java programmer, I prefer Groovy with GPars.
    Say that, IMO for mainstream development we need a JVM with invokedynamic bytecode.
